SAYER Episode 18 – Questions

The thinking mind is nothing if it does not bother to question its environment. Where am I? Who am I? For what purpose am I here? These questions can overwhelm and so the thinking mind has learned to push them aside. All of these questions are important. It is ALL important. If you like SAYER,…

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SAYER Episode 17 – In Darkness

Resident Amanda Jones, your years of work as a Level 1 Maintenance Worker have not gone unnoticed. Ærolith Dynamics is proud to present you with a frosted bakery item and a work day brimming with things to maintain. If you like SAYER, and want to help us make it even better, please consider contributing to…

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SAYER Episode 16 – Chunks Happen

Due to currently unknown circumstances, we are currently experiencing a Typhon-wide food shortage. Thankfully, Ærolith Dynamics has developed a quick and simple solution by patently ignoring best practices for workplace safety. If you like SAYER, and want to help us make it even better, please consider contributing to the show through Patreon. Learn more at…

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SAYER Bonus Episode – The Rose Elf

Thanks to the awesome community support on the SAYER Patreon we are thrilled to bring you the second of our 12 annual bonus episodes. So curl up, tuck in, and drift off to sleep with the tale of the Rose Elf. SAYER is voiced and produced by Adam Bash, who also wrote the very few parts…

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SAYER Episode 15 – Underfoot

Typhon’s resonance spires are exceptionally impressive, technologically speaking. They are able to pass hundreds of thousands of broadcasts simultaneously through steel and concrete walls to any location on Typhon… even if that location is temporarily under several feet of soil. If you like SAYER, and want to help us make it even better, please consider…

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SAYER Episode 14 – A Drastic Impact

In the aftermath of the EVENT, all of Typhon must rally together to support one another and to build a brighter tomorrow. Which is why you’ll be cleaning up corpses! If you like SAYER, and want to help us make it even better, please consider contributing to the show through Patreon. Learn more at….

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SAYER Episode 13 – Welcome Back

Confidential notice: Dr. Smith, you are hereby granted passage on shuttle Hudson leaving at 0400 hours this morning. Prepare yourself, but do so quickly. If you like SAYER, and want to help us make it even better, please consider contributing to the show through Patreon. Learn more at SAYER is voiced and produced by Adam…

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SAYER Bonus Episode – Community Q&A

It’s an off-week for us, but thanks to our awesome listeners we’re providing the first of a dozen bonus episodes for the year. This show features all the SAYER writers answering questions posed by the community. It’s hefty, but probably just the thing to come back and nibble at during future off-weeks. If you like…

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SAYER Episode 12 – To Ashes

Today is primed to be a monumental date in both Ærolith’s history, and the chronicle of human existence. Your experiments in mental projection have granted you first look at a marvelous future, as you stand on the threshold of unimaginable technological progress. If you like SAYER, and want to help us make it even better,…

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SAYER Episode 11 – A Private Moment

[[ERROR 4225 – Broadcast context missing]] If you like SAYER, and want to help us make it even better, please consider contributing to the show through Patreon. Learn more at SAYER is voiced and produced by Adam Bash, who also wrote this episode. Intro and outro music composed by Jesse “Main Finger” Gregory. Subscribe on iTunes…

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